Day off refreshes Tigers, and fanbase, and goofy kids


I could watch this shit all day long.  It just, for some reason, makes me forget that we’re 10 games below .500.  One day, I too, will dance with unfederated joy to what I can only assume is 1990’s rap music again.  One day soon.

Hell, I may even video it too.  Let’s go boys!  Time to win some games!

3 Responses to “Day off refreshes Tigers, and fanbase, and goofy kids”

  1. smoothron Says:

    I cannot believe that Big Bill and Lan put pictures up of 2SL and his little brother up on the interweb.

  2. Burnsy Says:

    You know who’s pretty decent this year? Not the Tigers.

  3. TGC Says:

    B, I left my “eh, go fuck yourself” handouts in my other car, so you’ll just have to take a rain check and head back to the Altar of Ankiel without one today.

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